The story

We started the volunteer program because we wanted to create more ministry opportunities not only for us to pour into the folks that walked through the door, but to the people that felt called to serve here. In partnering with volunteers, not only are they able hands to help us in the house, but it’s also an opportunity for them to grow in their relationship and intimacy with the Father.

When you’re in the volunteer program, our mantra is to find the Father in the everyday tasks of making a latte or rolling cinnamon rolls. This will give more opportunities for volunteers that are a part of the Branch to grow as an individual and in their relationship with Jesus. Our heart is that they will then be able to branch out and help others grow in their faith.


Join the branch

Rooted and Grounded has grown deep established roots so now is the time to Branch out. If you would like to join The Branch and serve with us for a couple of hours a week or biweekly, we would be honored to partner with you. Sign-up to serve with us:!